Introduction Detection of surface cracks is an important task in monitoring the structural health of concrete structures. If cracks develop and continue to propogate, they reduce the effective load bearning... read more →
BERT, a pre-trained Transformer model, has achieved ground-breaking performance on multiple NLP tasks. Very recently I came across a BERTSUM - a paper from Liu at Edinburgh. This paper extends... read more →
Introduction AI and Machine Learning are poised to make significant changes to the way many businesses operate. AI is transiting from just a research topic to the early stages of... read more →
Semantic segmentation is the process of associating each pixel of an image with a class label, (such as flower, person, road, sky, ocean, or car). This detailed pixel level understanding... read more →
Rise of Artificial Intelligence Wikipedia defines Artificial Intelligence as — “ Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans... read more →